Delhi Social Work Journal


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Profile Details

Dr. Vikash Kumar

Assistant Professor

Department of Social Work, Northern Michigan University

Areas of Expertise
  • Health service access Health system Child Projection Non-profit management Policy advocacy Resource mobilization Policy and Program planning Program and Policy evaluation Non-communicable disease Mental health Technology and social work
Major Publications
  • Kumar, V., & Cheng, S. Y. C. (2023). Examining the Factors Impacting Integrated Service Delivery in Leprosy Elimination Programs in Bihar. Social Development Issues, 45(2). Cheng, S. Y. C., & Kumar, V. (2022). Social Connections and Resettlement Experiences of the Chinese Refugees in the United Kingdom: Implications for Policy and Practice. Social Development Issues, 44(1). Israni, M., & Kumar, V. (2021). Gendered Work and Barriers in Employment Increase Unjust Work–Life Imbalance for Women: The Need for Structural Responses. The International Journal of Community and Social Development, 3(3), 290-295. Kumar, V. (2020). Understanding social organisation and delivery of integration for NCDs programmes in Bihar, India: An institutional ethnography (Doctoral dissertation, Queen Margaret University, Edinburgh). Kumar, V., Cheng, S. Y. C., & Singh, A. K. (2016). Impact of flood on rural population and strategies for mitigation: A case study of Darbhanga district, Bihar state, India. Contemporary Rural Social Work Journal, 8(1), 5.
Book Published
Completed Projects
Ongoing Projects
  • None
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