Delhi Social Work Journal


Call for Papers

Indian Journal of Social Work Education and Practice (IJSWEP)

Indian Journal of Social Work Education and Practice (IJSWEP) is a collaborative initiative of the Department of Social Work University of Delhi and Ronak Publication House Pvt. Ltd. The Editorial team is inviting original research articles, case studies, conceptual and theoretical articles related to social work education, research, practice and other allied areas of social work and social sciences for Volume 02, Issue 02, June 2024.

Manuscripts Submission Deadline: 01.May.2024

Indian Journal of Social Work Education and Practice

Indian Journal of Social Work Education and Practice is an academic, double-blind peer-reviewed, open access journal which publishes theoretical and empirical research based articles in all the areas of social work education, research, practice and other allied areas of social work and social sciences.

Indian Journal of Social Work Education and Practice (IJSWEP) is a collaborative Publication of The Department of Social Work and Ronak Publication House Pvt. Ltd. The journal doesn't charge any fees for the publication.


Aim and Scope

  • Indian Journal of Social Work Education and Practice (IJWSEP) fundamentally seeks to encourage scholars working on the solution-oriented and futuristic perspectives by adhering to the fundamentals of social justice, promotion and protection of human rights, Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) so that indigenous literature, models, theories can be developed in social work education.
  • The Journal seeks to publish articles which contribute new theoretical and empirical results from all the areas of Social Work. Policy recommendations are essential and need to be supported by rigorous analysis and balanced appraisal covering global, national, regional as well as local insights and perspectives to achieve the sustainable development goals.
  • The Journal provides an opportunity and platform to the researchers, scholars and academicians to publish high-quality research articles, case studies, conceptual and theoratical articles, book reviews and policy reviews related articles.
  • With this scope, IJSWEP aim to draw attention of the readers from international agencies, academics, researchers, policy professionals, policy makers and practitioners, local communities, and non-governmental organizations.
  • The journal also aims to publish articles, case studies on the contemporary real life challenges including anti-caste movements and activities. The emancipatory social work practice shall always be one the prime areas for the publication.
  • The journal specifically attracts attention over the role and intervention of social work for the sustainable development and inclusive growth.