Delhi Social Work Journal


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Prof. Stephen M. Marson, Ph.D., ACSW

Professor Emeritus

University of North Carolina at Pembroke Senior Researcher, Robeson County Cooperative for Sustainable Development

Areas of Expertise
  • Sociology for
Major Publications
  • Books : • Schmalleger, F., Webb, P. & Marson, S. (2023). Statistics in Criminal Justice Today. Cognella – in press. • Marson, S.M. assisted by Bouvier, Q. P. (translators) (2021). Crime in Creole Countries: Sketch of Criminal Ethnography [original author: Corre, A. (1889). Le Crime en Pays Créoles: Equisse d’Ethnographie Criminelle]. Lexington Books. • Marson, S.M. (2019). Elder Suicide: Durkheim’s Vision. NASW Press. • Marson, S.M. & McKinney, R. (editors). (2019). The Routledge Handbook on Social Work Ethics and Values. Routledge.
  • Articles in referred journals : • Marson, S.M. & Dovyak, P. (2023). Penis Envy: A Longitudinal Qualitative Analysis. Journal of Psychology and Behavioral Science, 11(1) in press. • Xie, X., Huang, L., Marson, S. & Wei, G. (2023). Emergency response process for sudden rainstorm and flooding: scenario deduction and Bayesian network analysis using evidence theory and knowledge meta‑theory. Natural Hazards, • Marson, S.M. & Dovyak, P. (2022). When racism is a mental disorder. Journal of Sociology and Social Work, 10(2), 33-44. • Wu, X., Tian, Z., Kuai, Y., Song, S. & Marson, S.M. (2021). Study on spatial correlation of air pollution and control effect of development plan for the city cluster in the Yangtze River Delta. Socio-Economic Planning Sciences • Marson, S.M. & Lillis, P.J. (2021). A case study for the interrater reliability of journal referees. Research on Social Work Practice, 32(2) 238-244. • Cai, M. & Marson, S.M. (2021). A regional Natech risk assessment based on a Natech-prone facility network for dependent events. Natural Hazards, 107(3), 2155-2174. doi: 10.1007/s11069-021-04612-0 • Marson, S.M. & Legerton, M. (2021). Disaster Diaspora and the Consequences of Economic Displacement and Climate Disruption, including Hurricanes Matthew (October 8, 2016) and Florence (September 14, 2018) in Robeson County North Carolina. Natural Hazards, 107, 2247-2262. DOI:10.1007/s11069-021-04529-8 • Marson, S.M. & Dovyak, P. (2020). The value of z-scores in social work supervision and practice. Journal of Social Work Education and Practice, 5(3), 34-45. • Smith, M. L., Marson, S. M., Vernon, B., Cogswell, D. & Rogers, O. (2020). A short history of the BPD/BPD-L email list November 1994 - November 2018. Journal of Baccalaureate Social Work, 25(1), 187-196. • Samaras, T.T., Marson, S.M. & Lillis, J. P. (2019). International data demonstrating the inverse height and life expectancy between the sexes. Social Science Journal, 4(2019), 1-9. • Marson, S.M. & Illis, J.P. (2019). Durkheim's greatest blunder. Journal of Sociology and Social Welfare, 46(2), 155-177.
Book Published
  • Schmalleger, F., Webb, P. & Marson, S. (2023). Statistics in Criminal Justice Today. Cognella – in press.
  • Marson, S.M. assisted by Bouvier, Q. P. (translators) (2021). Crime in Creole Countries: Sketch of Criminal Ethnography [original author: Corre, A. (1889). Le Crime en Pays Créoles: Equisse d’Ethnographie Criminelle]. Lexington Books.
  • Marson, S.M. (2019). Elder Suicide: Durkheim’s Vision. NASW Press.
  • Marson, S.M. & McKinney, R. (editors). (2019). The Routledge Handbook on Social Work Ethics and Values. Routledge.
Completed Projects
Ongoing Projects
  • Dial Community Service Award (Committee Review), 2011-2012.
  • Most Valuable Professor recognized by UNCP Student Athletes, February 15, 2012.
  • Kappa Delta Sorority, Professor of the Semester, November 2014
  • Gordon Streib Academic Gerontologist Award, Southern Gerontological Society, 2020.
  • Ohio State University, College of Social Work, Alumni Award for Distinguished Career, 2020.
  • Southern Gerontological Society Encore Adult Travel Scholarship, March 2021
Extra Information