Delhi Social Work Journal


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Profile Details

Prof. Suresh Pathare


Centre for Studies in Rural Development-Institute of Social Work Research, Ahmednagar, University of Pune

Areas of Expertise
  • Urban and Rural Community Development, Sustainable Development, Human Rights, Religion and Social Work, Personal and Professional Development.
Major Publications
  • Editorial: Chief Editor : New Horizons in University Education: A journal of social development and justice (issn no. ), published by CSRD, Ahmednagar. Research Papers, Articles and Seminar Papers: Samajkarya main Uccha Shiksha va Career (Hindi), in Navabharat Daily, dated on 31st May 2012. Pathare Suresh, (2011) Contexualizing Education for Rural Developm,ent Practice in India in New Horizons in University Education VBol. IV Feb. 2011. Pathare Suresh, Christianity among Dalits of Maharashtra: A case of Mahars of Ahmednagar District, in Patil Ravi, ‘Dalit Christians in India’, Indian Social Institute, New Delhi (1010). Pathare Suresh (2008), Training Potentials of NGO with Respect to Social Students in Participative Development, Pune. Pathare Suresh, Christinity in India and its Contribution to Social Work Profession, IGNOU, New Delhi (2008) Prof. Sanjai Bhatt and Suresh Pathare, Social Work Literature in India, A Critical Review, in proceedings of Nationa Seminar on Gender, HIV/AIDS and Social Work, NIPCCD and IGNOU, New Delhi, 2004. Community Organisation for Promotion of Education: A case study, in Field Work Guide for Social Work Educators and Supervisors, Indira Gandhi national Open University, New Delhi. (2004) Role of Group Worker in Group Work Process, in Social Work Intervention with Individuals and Groups: BSWE- 002, Indira Gandhi national Open University, New Delhi. (2004)
Book Published
  • Social Work Education and Field Practice: Indian Perspective
  • Field work Manual for B.A. Social Work with specialisation in Rural Development, TISS, Tuljapur
  • Religion and Social Work, Samajdarshan, Pune
  • Conversion Movement in India: Continuity, Discontinuity and change among Dalits, Samajdarshan, Pune, (2009).
Completed Projects
Ongoing Projects
Extra Information
  • Membership of academic bodies Chairman, Board of Studies in Social Work, University of Pune (2006-8) Member Curriculum Development for a course in Rural Development, for Solappur University (2008). Member, Board of School of Social Work, Indira Gandhi National Open University, New Delhi. Member, Board of Studies, School of Social Work, Swami Ramanand Tirath, Marathwada University, Nanded, Maharashtra, India. Member, Research and Recognition Committee, Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Pune, India Since 2011 Convenor, Committee on Campaign for Drought Free Maharashtra Membership in Professional Orgnisations Life Member: Association of Schools of Social Work in India, Since 1997 Life Member: Maharashtra Association of Social work Educators, India. National Secretary: National Association of Professional Social Workers in India,