Delhi Social Work Journal


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Dr. Anish KR

Associate Professor & Former Head

Rajagiri College of Social Sciences (Autonomous), Kochi, Kerala

Areas of Expertise
  • Social Work Education, Curriculum Development, Pedagogical Innovations in Social Work, technology in SWE, social work practice in health and mental health
Major Publications
  • 1. Ginu George Powathil & Anish KR (2022) Perception of Social Workers on the Psychosocial Issues of End-Stage Renal Disease Patients during COVID-19: A Qualitative Study, Social Work in Public Health, DOI: 10.1080/19371918.2022.2072441 2. Anish.KR, Borrmann, S., Myer, N., Zao, Y., Moen, H., Liu, W (2021). The Art of Not-knowing: Valuing Diversity and Intercultural Competences in International Social Work Education. International Social Work. 3. Ginu George Powathil & Anish KR (2021). Psychosocial Interventions for Persons with End-Stage Renal Disease-A Scoping Review, Social Work in Health Care, DOI: 10.1080/00981389.2021.1950100 4. Helen Cleak, Anish KR, Georgina Heaslop & Angela Tonge (2020) Challenges to the development of a health care practice model for hospital social work in India, Social Work in Health Care, 59:2, 122-137, DOI: 10.1080/00981389.2020.1719566 5. Jason Castillo, Tian Tian, David Becerra, Anish KR (2014). The perception of Poverty and Social Welfare Policies among Undergraduate and Graduate Social Work Students in India. Indian Journal of Social Work. 75(2),209-231 6. Jason Castillo, David Becerra , M Kwangyeop Lee , Anish KR (2014). The Role of the Government in Addressing Social Issues in India: The Perceptions of Indian Undergraduate and Graduate Social Work Students. Social Work Education. 7. Anish K R, Divya G S and Siny Maria Skaria (2014). Social Competence Model for Adolescents: Reflections from an Intervention Study. Artha J Soc Sci, 13, 2, 1-19. 8. Anish, K.R., (2013). An Evaluation of Psychosocial Rehabilitation Facilities for Homeless Mentally Ill in India. Artha - Journal of Social Sciences, 12(2)
Book Published
  • Anish KR, Joseph MK, Kiran Thampi, Ashilin Mary Mathew(2023). Social Work Research reflections on Health and Well-being. Adhyaan Books.
  • Joseph MK, Anish KR, Kiran Thampi, Jose John (2023). Social Work Practices for a Crisis Resilient Community. Adhyaan Books
  • Kiran Thampi, Joseph MK, Anish KR, Jolly John (2023). Empirical Reflections on Sustainable Social Work Practices. Adhyaan Books.
  • Anish, KR et. al. (Eds.). (2021). COVID 19 and Migrant Health. Clever Fox publishers.
  • Anish, KR et. al. (Eds.). (2021). Perspectives on Migrant Health. Clever Fox publishers.
  • Anish, KR (2021). A Manual for Fostering Social Competence in Children. Notion Press.
  • Babu, J., Varughese, I & Anish KR. (Eds.). (2021). Reflections on Professional Social Work Practice: An Indian Perspective. Author Press.
  • Novotna, A., Switala, A.K., KR, Anish (2017). The Context of Social Transformations of Society in Slovakia and Poland. Verbum
Completed Projects
Ongoing Projects
  • World Association of Psychosocial Rehabilitation (WAPR) Travel Award for best paper, WAPR World Congress, Seoul, 2015
Extra Information